Stop passing the buck
Despite his disappointing handling of administration, Roh’s doubters gave the former president the benefit of doubt at least because he seemed to be ‘clean,’ and ‘different’ from the generally rotten political system.
But it turns out he is not that 'different' from the former presidents who got mired in a slew of corruption scandals after their terms when it comes to moral and integrity. Not only his relatives, but also his wife and sons are all revealed to have received slash money from a shoe tycoon.
Roh argued he didn’t know anything about the kickbacks delivered to his wife at the presidential blue house.
What shocks me most is the fact that he appears passing the buck onto his wife. It is not convincing at all that his wife received all this bribery behind his back. The businessman must have given billions of wons, expecting some business favors, which come from the president, not the first lady.
He should stop lying about what’s happened and come clean before it is too late.